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Though I am not a part of the Digital Staff, I have learned a lot this year about the importance of having a convergence-model program and the future of virtual journalism. Because of that, I really tried to branch out this year and explore different mediums online.



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A piece of web-exclusive content I worked to create my junior year was a blog entitled "An open letter to perfectionism." In the blog, I write a letter to a personified version of perfectionism, describing the problems it has caused me and how I am working to overcome them. Click the photo to read the story. 
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I wrote this review about the Netflix Original movie, "Don't Look Up," in January of my sophomore year. This was the first real review that I wrote and I really enjoyed the process. I watched the movie several times, taking notes on the cinematography, message, acting, and music choice. Click on the photo to read the review on the ODYSSEY website.
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I wrote this review about the movie Enola Holmes my junior year, following my similar process from my Don't Look Up review of taking notes on the acting and cinematography during multiple watches. This review actually ended up winning Honorable Mention from the Ball State J-Day competition. Click on the photo to read my review on the ODYSSEY website. 


Last year, my colleague Maya Clement and I volunteered to write a breaking news story about the announcement of our new superintendent. We were given the press release, some reaction quotes and photos from our adviser, and were tasked with writing the story and getting it posted as quickly as possible.

Maya and I split the responsibilities - each writing sections of the story and captions to accompany it. We ended up finishing the story in a little over an hour and it was posted shortly after. Click on the photo to read the completed brief!


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I wrote this event coverage called "Providing prom dresses" about an event that a senior at CCHS hosted to give students an opportunity to get free prom dresses. I interviwed the senior who was in charge of the event, as well as students who were participating and one of the teachers who assisted the event. This was the first time I ever wrote an event coverage, and it was a lot of fun. It was difficult to write and publish the story in 24 hours, but I powered through and I am very proud of the final product. Click on the photo to read the story. 


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This year, I serve as the EIC for the newsmagazine only, but last year, I was the EIC for the entire media group, including our website. While I didn't directly oversee the web, I did work to review our website analytics every so often to check who was engaging with our content and when. This year, my Co-EIC Anna Shaikun is responsible for the upkeep of the website, but we still discuss analystics in our weekly meetings and she keeps me updated on how the website is doing realistically. 



Earlier this year, my brother Sam made a fun Instagram Reel of the staff where he interviewed a few of us about our plans for the upcoming Thanksgiving Break. I participated in the interview, and it was really fun to get to do something silly with my younger brother. The video turned out really well, and I was really proud of my brother for making something fun that received a lot of great feedback on our Instagram!


I completed four scenes during a CCHS football game in October of my sophomore year. I worked with the social media and visuals team to interview parents, teachers, and students watching the game and upload life reaction scenes on the social media page.

While my photos weren't the greatest, I truly believe that the experience of running around and taking photos for the scenes helped me get a better understanding of how to properly take photos, what kind of lighting works the best, and how to properly use the Rule of Thirds. Sometimes, you learn more from the losses than from your wins, and I think that definitely applies to my photos for these scenes. 

Click on each embed to view the full stories on the ODYSSEY Instagram. 


I have created two Instagram trivias - one for National Poetry Month and one for Valentine's Day to be posted on the ODYSSEY Instagram account for Trivia Tuesdays. For each trivia, I researched the history and significance of each of the holidays and worked to create questions that I felt were challenging, but not too difficult. I then designed the slides on Canva and the trivia was ready to go! Click through the slider to see some examples of my trivia questions. 


Similar to the website analytics, I like to review our social media statistics to see how the student body and community are responding to what we post. These screenshots are from the most recent magazine promo that I filmed with Broadcast Staffer Daniel Cruz to promote Issue 2 distribution. We reached a lot of accounts, some that weren't even our followers, and had pretty good interaction with the post, which tells me that the way we created and edited the video worked in a lot of ways. I enjoy getting to review our analytics, as it allows me to determine what is working for our audience and how we need to adapt to engage with them even further.
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